rats (rodents)
The Norway rat, Roof Rat and House Mouse are the three major pest rodents found in Australia and they will eat almost anything available. Rodent control is very important as rats are prolific breeders and are also known to transmit diseases, contaminate food, cause damage to property and can introduce other unwelcome parasites like fleas, lice and ticks.
Perhaps one of the most well known signs of a rat problem is their droppings, urine to mark their trails, damage to property from gnawing, noises in the roof or the appearance of burrows. Rub marks or grease stains caused by rats running along an edge also can indicate activity. In general, the darker the stain, the greater the activity.
Roof rat droppings are 12 to 13 mm with pointed ends and Norway rat droppings are 18 to 20 mm and capsule shaped.

Compost bin with damage from a rat gnawing it's way in

Rub marks from rats entering a home through a missing brick in the wall
Roof Rat
Black or brown, can be between 150–200g in weight, can be over 40 cm long, with a long tail, large ears and eyes and a pointed nose. The body is smaller than the Norway rats.
Roof rats usually nest inside and under buildings. They are excellent climbers that prefer to live in high places and are nocturnal by nature.
Norway Rat
Norway rats are large rodents that may weigh in excess of 500 grams. They can reach lengths of 40 cm and their tails alone may measure 21 cm. The body of the Norway rat is covered in shaggy fur that is brown or grey in colour. The tail is shorter than the head and body.
Norway rats typically nest in underground burrows from which they enter buildings in search of food but sometimes are driven out of their hiding spaces because of limited space or disturbances such as construction.
We have more photos of Rodents & other pests taken on site on our Facebook or Instagram page!