carpet beetles

Adults can mate and reproduce without feeding.

It is common to only find an infestation when an item of furniture is moved and a patch in the carpet is found
Carpet beetles are destructive household pests. The damage occurs during the larval stage of carpet beetles.
Larvae feed in dark, undisturbed locations on a variety of dead animals and animal products such as wool, silk, leather, fur, hair brushes with natural bristles, pet hair, and feathers; occasionally they feed on stored products such as certain spices and grains. They don’t feed on synthetic fibres.
The natural habitats are the nests of birds, rodents, insects, and spiders. The beetles are pollen feeders and can be found in large numbers. They can be inadvertently brought into the house in flower cuttings.
All of these beetle species have a complete life cycle–egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Adults can mate and reproduce without feeding. Females can lay from 30 to 100 eggs, depending on the species. Eggs are laid behind and under baseboards, in floor cracks, or in other dark and protected locations. Eggs hatch in one to three weeks and the adults live for two to six weeks.
Regular and thorough cleaning of rugs, draperies, upholstered furniture, closets, and other locations where carpet beetles congregate is an important preventive and control technique. Frequent, thorough vacuuming is an effective way of removing food sources as well as carpet beetle eggs, larvae, and adults. After vacuuming infested areas, dispose of the bag promptly, because it can contain eggs, larvae, or adult insects.
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